četvrtak, 11. travnja 2013.

Stražaplastika is a stock company for processing plastic products and has over 200 employees. They are located in Dreža, Hum na Sutli where we produced and installed the hall with 25m of width, 42m of lenght and 5m of height.

Welded and corrosion protected steel structures.

Steel structures are covered with wall panels 40mm of thickess and roof panels with 50 mm of thickness.

Industrial sectional doors with dimensions 3 x 3.5 meters are located on the sides.

Vents for the ventilation are located in the front and back sides of the hall.

srijeda, 10. travnja 2013.

Let us tell you a story all the way from the beginning....

NS agro trade d.o.o. is the company  that is engaged for years in planting flowers, breeding seeds, composts, and all the rest services like designing and maintaining for keeping your garden always beautiful.
In 2004. they have opened sale facility Vrtni centar Viškovo and in 2012. they offered us to expand this facility and make it much more larger.

We´ve accepted the challenge and started designing. We´ve built the hall with dimensions 1.187,8 m2 and with 3,9 meters of height.

hala, vrtni centar, čelična konstrukcija, cvijeće

Basic structure is made of steel pipes, frames are attached to longitudinal pipes.
Steel structures are anchored.

hala, skladište, vrtni centar

vrtni centar, cvijeće, čelična konstrukcija

Roof panels are 100mm of thickness

skladište, vrtni centar, prodaja cvijeća

skladište, čelična konstrukcija, halaSales facility also has warehouse

vrtni centar, hala, čelična konstrukcija, cvijeće

Steel structures are anchored


Here you can see a adequate space for plants and flowers.

utorak, 2. travnja 2013.

Malabo is the capital and emporium of Equatorial Guinea, located on the northern coast of Bioko below the inactive volcano Pico Basile which is 3011 meters high.

Malabo is also the city in which we will make an project for the investor
Apave Guinée Equatoriale.

We´ll install two halls; the main with dimensions 27,58 x 26,94 meters and auxiliary with dimensions 14,65 x 21,52 meters.
It will be an educational center for people who works on oil platforms.

The city was founded by the British in 1827 and they named it into Port Clarence and after return of Spanish authorities it was renamed into Santa Isabel. In 1969. Santa Isabel was choosen to replace the mainland city of Bata and since 1973. it´s named Malabo. During the Francisco Macías Ngueme dictatorship Bubi natives were abused and many were killed or escaped to Spain.
Main attractions in Malabou are Spanish colonial buildings, especially the gothic cathedral from 1916 and presidental Palace (Palacio de la Presidencia), both settled in Plaza de España. They have powerful export of cocoa, wood and coffe but the most important for the city development is industrial complex Punta Europa, where are numerous international companies and facilities for natural gas and petroleum processing. Near the city is also international airport named Saint Isabel Airport.
According to the census from 1994. Malabo is one of the smallest capitals in Africa and it counts about 60.065 of population.

We´re sending our fitters as supervisors so that everything will go properly and in a right way.
We wish them a safe journey!!